to website of Swiss Capital International Group
Swiss Capital International Group registered in Switzerland in 2010 with head office in Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss Capital International Group AG– is an investment-holding company which centralizes stock of various fields of business and performs integrated tactics and strategies on a global basis. We finance the capital formation into a product development, provide advisory and technical services.

“For many years I am a consumer of “Pyatigorsk Dairy Plant”. My family and I have full confidence in the product under "Molochniy Rodnik" brand. My child is drinking milk, I eat cottage cheese and cheese and we can say that with the production of “Pyatigorsk Dairy Plant” we touch every morning for breakfast and completely satisfied.”

“My partnership with the investment company «Swiss Capital International Group AG» has been going on for more than 5 years. We carried out a joint project of construction of the «UZTEX Shovot» modern spinning mill. I can say that «Swiss Capital International Group AG» always adhere to high standards of quality and service. I am sure that any company included in the «Swiss Capital International Group» is a model of high technology, order and cleanliness.”

“My company is a customer of the JV LLC «Azia Trans Terminal» and we are very satisfied with the quality of provided services. Location of the container yard in the center of Tashkent in the immediate proximity to the train station - makes it possible to carry out the processing of containers throughout the year. The presence of large areas for temporary storage, access roads, advanced technical facilities and experienced staff allows timely processing of all our cargo flows.”